Hanna Dijkstra

Communication and events

Featured on NU.nl 

Interviewed for the Dutch news website NU.nl for an article titled ‘Gesprekken over plasticverdrag mislukt, toch gloort er hoop‘ (in English ‘Plastic treaty talks fail, but there is still hope’)

Henderson Island Blog Post

Wrote a feature length blog post about the Henderson Island clean up expedition for Sea Going Green discussing the need for monitoring and the relevance for sustainable tourism. 

NOOA’s MDMAP Newsletter

Featured in NOAA’S marine debris monitoring newsletter ‘The Spring Wrack Line’  describing the Henderson Island expedition. 

Science for the Living Room Series

Youtube series intended to educate the public on important environmental topics with short, digestible and fun presentations hosted by Awis4Future 

The talk is available on Youtube.

IUCN Plastic Pollution Meeting Series

Invited presenter of ‘Marine plastic entrepreneurship for islands‘ in a series was hosted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Ubuntoo.

You can watch my recorded talk here.

Blue Med Initiative Ecomondo Event

Invited speaker for hybrid event for the Blue Med Pilot project. My talk was tilted ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Marine Plastic Management‘ to an audience of young entrepreneurs, policy makers and the general public. 

EU Green Week Plastic Challenge Hackathon

Invited presenter for EU Green Week side event hosted by the Suy National Agrarian University. My presentation was titled ‘Innovation and entrepreneurship for marine plastic management‘ and I also answered questions from the Hackathon participants. Click here to check out the recorded presentation on Youtube.

Are you looking for an inspiring keynote or an enthusiastic moderator who can present the science but also keep the audience entertained? Look no further! I am a passionate science communicator who leads with innovative success stories to engage and inspire audiences – no doom and gloom presentations here.